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Skrolli Party was here again!

Skrolli Party is a demo party dedicated to the makers and readers of the Skrolli magazine! After a break caused by the pandemic, the event was held for the fourth time on Saturday 23rd September 2023. Slightly over 20 makers, readers and aficionados of Skrolli were in attendance.

The invitation intro to the party was released in the demo compo at Assembly Summer 2023 and is available to download for Linux. If you don't have a suitable execution environment, you can also watch the intro below or on Youtube.

Check out the photos and results from previous years: 2017, 2018 ja 2019!

Party place

Sihi Lounge in Espoo served as the party place.

Compo reults


  1. An einem blauen Tag by la_mettrie (2.83)
  2. FillerSkroller by Mikkosoft Productions (1.83)
  3. Fields of Mzestia by Quadtrip (1.54)


  1. Lancess Priya plus/4 by Dr.Terrorz (5.69)
  2. MacNTP - NTP Client for System 6 by vkoskiv (5.54)
  3. Supisydet by vurpo (4.82)
  4. Can you taste it? by Meea (4.31)
  5. Nature of Buddha by appas (3.00)
  6. jubileum by ravel (3.00)
  7. Shocking Resemblance by Greippi/finity (2.09)


Photos from the party

Overview of the party place A selection of issues of Skrolli Demoshow Just in case it wasn't clear whose event this is Commodore Plus/4 Demoshow Duck, duck, duck Lancess Priya in the compo Nebawanganza gig Nebawanganza gig

Contact information

Any questions about the party can be sent to

You're welcome to participate in discussion about the party in Skrolli's instant messaging channels: on Matrix, #skrolli-party on IRCnet and Skrolli's Discord community.